Updates from Capo Carbonara Learning Lab
Read about the meeting between BLUE4ALL and the new administration of the Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area in Sardinia.
Mission Arena – Results of workshop! 🤩
Our workshop, ‘Safeguarding Biodiversity Strengthening Marine Protected Area Networks, policy coherence and community involvement’, co-organized with the MSP4BIO project, Cool Blue Project and CrossGov Project, had a very interesting list of speakers that participated in the four sessions.
Media 24 in it's Environment section published a news piece about the work in BLUE4ALL!
State of the Baltic Sea 2023 report is out!
The third HELCOM holistic assessment 2016-2021 is out and we have an infographic to summarise it to you.
Upcoming safeguarding biodiversity workshop!
BLUE4ALL is hosting the workshop “Safeguarding Biodiversity: Strengthening Marine Protected Area Networks, policy coherence and community involvement”, together with MSP4BIO and COOLBLUE projects First Blue Mission BANOS Arena event!
State of the art knowledge to underpin the Living Labs is now closed!
Our first work package set a theoretical framework and the knowledge base for the project interactions. With three submitted deliverables, along with the deliverable "Information sites engagement plan" from WP4, this work will feed into processes of tool testing and validation in the Living labs and will be consulted in all main interactions with the Contact Points and Living labs.
🌊 Blue Horizons newsletter is out!
BLUE4ALL has united MSP4BIO project to put together Blue Horizons, a newsletter focusing on Marine Protected Areas, Marine Spatial Planning & Ocean Conservation news
Project presented at Network Nature EU Cluster Meeting
NetworkNature, a resource for the nature-based solutions community, focusing on creating opportunities for local, regional and international cooperation to maximise the impact and spread of nature-based solutions, organised the Task Force Cluster Meeting. The aim of such meeting was to exchange among all projects experiences and help spark future visions, boost collaboration, and help increase impact! BLUE4ALL had a poster in the event presented by Submariner Network.
Do you want to check our poster…
BLUE4ALL at the European Maritime Day
The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and outline joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy, also called "the place where Ocean Leaders Meet". It provides an engaging and completely interactive experience to catch up on the current state of play on a broad range of issues concerning the blue economy and the marine environment and to discuss ways of moving forward. It features a large number of inspirational speakers, thematic sessions, stakeholder workshops and pitch sessions…
Blue4All at the First Annual Forum of the Mission 'Restore our oceans and waters'
BLUE4ALL project Coordinator, Steven Degraer, participated at the First Annual Forum of the Mission "Restore our ocean and waters" held in Brussels on 17/02/23, as a panelist, with a presentation on how BLUE4ALL will contribute to achieving the Missions goals.
Blue4All Kick-off Meeting held in Brussels
BLUE4ALL partners gathered between 24 and 27 January 2023 in Brussels at RBINS premises to launch the project and discuss the way forward. The project will be implemented by 22 partners from all over the Europe and will run until the end of 2026! Follow us for more information.