Our first work package set a theoretical framework and the knowledge base for the project interactions. With three submitted deliverables, along with the deliverable "Information sites engagement plan" from WP4, this work will feed into processes of tool testing and validation in the Living labs and will be consulted in all main interactions with the Contact Points and Living labs.
Our first work package had the following specific objectives:
- Provide a benchmarking on the policies and institutional setting and governance for MPA/OECM designation, enlargement and management at country and network level.
- Providing a knowledge base for building constituency and expectations management for effective, efficient and resilient (networks of) MPAs/OECMs.
- Create a knowledge base of socio-ecological interactions and available methodologies for their analysis within MPAs/OECMs.
After submitting three deliverables, this first work package of the project provides an essential knowledge foundation for the engagement with the Living labs. It compiles a theoretical framework and knowledge base, outlined in three key reports:
- D1.1: Report on the benchmarking of institutional and policy frameworks provides a comprehensive overview of institutions and policies relevant to marine protected areas (MPAs) in Europe, covering also the means and frameworks for public participation in MPAs across Europe.
- D1.2: Report on the available frameworks and tools for building constituency and expectations management introduces the bottom-up approach in marine conservation, examines stakeholder engagement strategies in Europe and suggests ways to enhance engagement. The report also emphasizes the role of gender and intersectionality in marine conservation, providing guidelines for their integration within this project's stakeholder engagements.
- D1.3: Report on the review of socio-ecological framework and methodologies covers evaluation of ecosystem services within (networks of) MPAs, exploration of business cases and opportunities linked to MPAs and assessment of tools and methodologies to gauge and address impacts related to MPAs/OECMs.
These reports are confidential but WP2 and WP3 will draw from them and from the T4.1 Intelligence gathering from the Information sites for the preparation of Living labs assessments and the tool testing and validation. Meanwhile, WP4 will utilize WP1's insights when planning on adapting interactions to each of the Living Labs, and will also reference 'D4.1 Information sites engagement plan' to inform stakeholder engagement, stakeholder analysis, addressing possible risks, informing conflict resolution strategies, etc.