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Case studies

The BLUE4ALL project includes 25 MPAs and MPA networks (11 information sites and 14 Living labs) ranging from relatively small, individual coastal MPAs to large (>10.000 km²), networks of MPAs including offshore and deep-sea habitat. Our sites are located in the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea and the North-East Atlantic with an additional information site in Brazilian waters, which will help identifying international good practice. Throughout the project, information sites and Living labs will provide direct insight in MPA processes, their challenges and solutions. Co- creation and co-development are the central themes in BLUE4ALL. BLUE4ALL will therefore build on real-world examples of the MPA process, with the aim to:

  1. take stock of what challenges are encountered during the MPA process and what the existing solutions to that are (interaction with information sites),
  2. co-develop and test new solutions where that is needed (interaction with Living labs).

The 14 Living labs will serve to validate the developed Blueprint Platform for successful co-management of marine protected areas under the kind of geographical (e.g. location, size, habitats and governance (e.g. protection status, degree of stakeholders involvement) conditions representing the majority of MPAs in EU waters.

The 11 Information Sites offer a representative view on the challenges and tools of the wide diversity of MPAs and MPA networks in Europe. They will be mainly engaged in the Baseline Assessment process.