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Media 24 in it's Environment section published a news piece about the work in BLUE4ALL!

BLUE4ALL: Towards a new era of marine conservation through co-creation


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BLUE4ALL: Towards a new era of marine conservation through co-creation

In the heart of current global challenges, the preservation of marine biodiversity has become an emergency. Faced with this, Europe is launching the BLUE4ALL project, an innovative initiative focused on co-creation to strengthen marine conservation. We dive into the details and aspirations of this ambitious project.

Co-creation: The key word for successful conservation
Marine protected areas (MPAs) represent a major challenge for the preservation of our marine ecosystems. BLUE4ALL, by recognizing the importance of these zones, aims to improve their management and their creation by focusing on strong stakeholder involvement from the first steps of the process. Thus, MPA managers, local communities, and various stakeholders work hand in hand to design and manage these protected areas. It is with this in mind that BLUE4ALL has established links with 25 MPAs or MPA networks in Europe.

Blueprint: The platform for the future of MPAs
The outcome of the BLUE4ALL project will be manifested through the interactive platform β€œBlueprint”. The latter will serve as a real crossroads for sharing knowledge and solutions tested in real conditions during the project. More than just a pan-European tool, Blueprint aims to have an international reach, thus supporting global efforts against the loss of marine biodiversity.

Ambitions for 2030
The European Union has already set clear objectives for 2030: legally protect at least 30% of its lands and seas. However, current MPAs face many challenges, such as their small size and inadequate management. BLUE4ALL, by integrating a bottom-up approach and placing stakeholders at the heart of the process, aspires to respond to these challenges.

Consistency with global agendas
The BLUE4ALL project is not limited to European borders in terms of aspirations. It is fully aligned with several global initiatives, including the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and UN Sustainable Development Goal 14.

Technologies and collaborations for maximum impact
In order to optimize its actions, BLUE4ALL relies on collaboration with renowned entities and infrastructures, such as EMODnet, the Copernicus Marine Service, and the Digital Twin of the Ocean. The goal ? Use cutting-edge technologies and knowledge for successful implementation of conservation actions.

With the BLUE4ALL project, Europe is setting the tone for marine conservation of the future, more collaborative, more technological and above all, more efficient. Only time will tell us if this bold bet will bear fruit, but one thing is certain: the path of co-creation seems to be the right one.