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Upcoming safeguarding biodiversity workshop!

BLUE4ALL is hosting the workshop “Safeguarding Biodiversity: Strengthening Marine Protected Area Networks, policy coherence and community involvement”, together with MSP4BIO and COOLBLUE projects First Blue Mission BANOS Arena event!

In pursuit of EU Mission Ocean’s objectives, Blue Mission BANOS’ 1st Mission Arena will take place on 14-16 November in Gothenburg, Sweden. Through interactive sessions, workshops, pitching events, demonstrations and networking, the 1st Mission Arena will serve as a laboratory to: 

  • Pave the way for innovative blue economy solutions in the BANOS area (Blue and North Seas)
  • Showcase local, regional and national approaches for a circular, carbon-neutral blue economy
  • Provide concrete pathways for the EU's Mission Ocean’s success

Existing technical solutions, innovation gaps, funding and business models, as well as regulation and decision making processes will be explored to provide attendants with new knowledge, action paths and ideas. 

The event will address 9 main topics:

  • Low-trophic cultivation / RAS / fisheries: Blue Biomass production in the region
  • Multi-Use / Sustainable Energy Installations
  • Marine Pollution / MPAs / Ocean Regeneration
  • Sustainable Blue Products
  • Business Clusters / Innovation Transfer Tools: How can business support meet company needs? & Regions as development drivers
  • Decarbonizing shipping
  • What is need to get the staff / skills of tomorrow?
  • Citizen / Consumers: How to get them on board ?
  • Governance / Regulation / Incentives / Funding

Don’t miss your spot and REGISTER HERE.

On the on the second day of the event (15 November, 15:45-17:30) BLUE4ALL, MSP4BIO and Cool Blue projects will be taking stock of existing challenges and needs in reaching the global and EU marine conservation targets, and of the ongoing initiatives and projects addressing some of the challenges, including:

  1. Achieving adequate shift to strict protection,
  2. Efficient MPA networks,
  3. Better integration of MPA and MSP processes and
  4. Community involvement and stewardship.

The workshop will result in agreed action points relevant for further implementation of the EU Mission Ocean and Waters in the region. 

You can check the agenda of the workshop here.